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You are visiting the Belambra Clubs website (hereafter the "Site"). The following terms and conditions apply to any Internet user visiting this Site. If you use the online booking service available on the Site, you should read the general terms of sale, available on the Site. Access to and use of this Site are subject to the following conditions as well as current legal provisions. The legal provisions may be amended, especially if current legislation changes.


1. Legal provisions applying to the site

1.1 Ownership of the site

This Site is edited by: Belambra Clubs, SAS (simplified public limited company) with share capital of €8,000,000, listed in the Trade & Companies Register of Nanterre under number 322 706 136, represented by its chairman. Registered office: Belambra Clubs Centralis 63 Avenue du Général Leclerc – 92340 Bourg-la-Reine. Tel: 01 46 10 13 14. Listed in the "Registre des Opérateurs de Voyages et de Séjours Atout France" under number: IM092120049 (Atout France register of travel agents). Financial guarantee: taken out with Groupama Assurance-Crédit & Caution, 8-10 Rue d’Astorg, 75008 Paris. Professional liability insurance: AXA France IARD SA, 313 Terrasses de l’Arche, 92727 Nanterre Cedex.
The Site can be accessed at the following addresses: www.belambra.fr, www.belambra.com, and other possible addresses.
The Site is hosted by Alfa-Safety, 15 rue Lamoricière à Nantes 44100.
The Site has been created by Belambra Clubs (Webmaster.Dc@belambra.fr)


1.2. Intellectual property

All the images, information (in the broadest sense of the word), trademarks, photos, logos and domain names which appear on the Site are the property of Belambra Clubs or are used with the permission of their respective owners. Any use of a document or information contained in the Site by means of reproduction, modification, electronic retrieval, distortion, transmission or distribution, whether in whole or in part, shall require prior written permission from Belambra Clubs, except in the case of a copy for private, non-commercial use subject to compliance with intellectual property rights and any other property right that may be mentioned.
You will be held liable for any unauthorised use of the Site or its content, which constitutes an infringement punishable under articles L. 335-2 et seq of the Intellectual Property Code. Any transfer or licensing of any of the integral parts of the Site shall require prior written permission from Belambra Clubs; anyone failing to comply with this requirement shall be liable to prosecution. It is therefore strictly prohibited to link to or frame the Site. Consequently, no part of any page of the Site may be partially or completely published to, transferred to or inserted in another website unless express authorisation has been given.

1.3. Third-party sites and hypertext links

In order to facilitate access to other websites which are likely to provide useful additional information, Belambra Clubs has inserted a certain number of links into the Site. Belambra Clubs has no way of controlling the content of such third-party websites. In any event, Belambra Clubs shall not be held liable for the non-availability of such websites, their content or advertisements, or any other part of third-party websites. You are solely responsible for any use you make of a hypertext link to another website. External websites may contain hypertext links pointing to the Site. Such links may not be set up without prior written permission from Belambra Clubs. Belambra Clubs has strict requirements with regard to the steps you must take to prevent any contamination of the Site.


1.4. Games and competitions

Belambra Clubs may propose competitions, free games and promotional offers on the Site for limited periods of time. These operations are governed by special provisions which can be accessed on their dedicated web pages.


1.5. Newsletters

Internet users who subscribe to the Site to receive the Belambra Clubs newsletters will receive information about the services of Belambra Clubs by e-mail. These newsletters are provided for information purposes and you may unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the appropriate link.


1.6. Limitation of liability

Belambra Clubs reserves the right to modify the content of the Site in order to update or optimise it. Belambra Clubs also reserves the right to interrupt or suspend all or part of the features of the Site, at any time, if required during maintenance problems or repairs for instance, or due to unforeseeable circumstances.
Belambra Clubs accepts no liability with regard to Internet users in that event.
The information grouped on the Site is solely intended for an institutional presentation of Belambra Clubs and the services it offers. Belambra Clubs strives to ensure that the information is accurate and that the Site is kept up to date. Belambra Clubs accepts no liability for the use made of this information.
Furthermore, Belambra Clubs accepts no liability for any damage or infringement resulting from fraudulent intrusion of the Site by a third party with malicious intent towards the interests or image of Belambra Clubs, notably by misrepresenting the information contained in the Site.


1.7. Applicable law - jurisdiction

The Site has been designed and is hosted in France. Although it is accessible to other users, the Site and its content are intended to be accessed and used by French residents. The Site and its content are governed by French law. Any dispute shall fall within the jurisdiction of the competent courts in France.
Credits: Design/Production: Price Waterhouse Coopers Experience Center 11 Rue de Milan à Paris 75009 - Developed by: Clever-Age  34 rue de Saint-Pétersbourg, 75008 PARIS - France Hosted by: Alfa-Safety, 15 rue Lamoricière à Nantes 44100.


2. Special provisions concerning the protection of personal data

Belambra Clubs is the controller of your personal data. As such, it undertakes to ensure the protection and confidentiality of any personal data you accept to communicate when using the Site. These special provisions aim to inform Internet users about the collection and use of their personal data by Belambra Clubs in the context of such use, and to explain their rights in this matter.


2.1 Collection of personal data

When completing online forms, especially when reserving a holiday, you voluntarily accept to provide certain personal data to Belambra Clubs, which then becomes the recipient of that data. The data is then saved on the server of the Site. The personal data in question includes information like your full name, date of birth, postal and e-mail address.


2.2 Processing and use of the personal data collected

Belambra Clubs will only use the personal data collected for the following purposes:

  • to process your orders on the Site;
  • to provide access to the Site by enabling you to identify yourself, for instance, for the purpose of accessing a personal space reserved only for you;
  • to inform you, with your express prior consent, about all our business offers and special offers or other operations like, for example, participating in competitions or subscribing to a newsletter;
  • to conduct surveys and research anonymously for the purpose of improving the Site or for internal statistics.  

Belambra Clubs will only use the personal data for the aforementioned purposes.
Any personal data you supply or resulting from your browsing activity on the Site shall be reserved strictly for internal use by Belambra Clubs. Accordingly, Belambra Clubs undertakes, without your express prior consent, not to disclose, sell, rent and/or share any information you provide with or to third parties or any external organization with a view to using the said information. 


2.3 Personal data retention period

The personal data collected by Belambra Clubs with your consent is not kept beyond the period of time required to accomplish the aforementioned data processing purposes.
This retention period cannot exceed 6 years in any event. 


2.4 Confidentiality and security measures

Belambra Clubs undertakes to respect the confidential nature of the personal information supplied by visitors to the Site in its capacity as personal data controller.
Belambra Clubs has put in place the necessary means to store personal data safely in order to avoid any loss, alteration or computer hacking. The storage systems are only accessible to a limited number of authorised persons.

2.5 Laws governing personal data

In accordance with current legislation, Internet users who agree to communicate their personal data have a right to access, rectify, delete, restrict, determine portability, object and complain about the processing of their personal data. You may exercise these rights by contacting the Data Protection Officer of Belambra Clubs directly at:

  • the following e-mail address: dpo@belambra.fr
  • or else by post to the following address: Belambra Clubs – 63 Avenue du Général Leclerc, Bourg-la-Reine (92340), for the attention of the Data Protection Officer.


2.6 Cookies policy

This policy applies to cookies and other technologies present on the services edited by Belambra Clubs that Internet users can access via their connection device (computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.), notably from the address www.belambra.com.
While you are browsing the Site, some data may be stored in files ("cookies") installed on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. To find out what cookies are, what they do and how to configure them, we suggest you read the document below by clicking the following link: